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BIOACT-TS 100ml(Gardening Plant and soil Protecter)

[To protect crops and soil from any damage] -Main actaive ingredient, neem and aza and other unique active ingredients such as pine and tall combined as one -It will do for any organic farming required. -exteremely safe ( low toxcity ) -marketing over 20 conturies -field proven(various data of effects and safety test obtained)

BIOACT-TS 100ml(Gardening Plant and soil Protecter)


1,935円 (税込)

返品期限・条件 返品についての詳細はこちら

■ 商品説明

Promoting organic farming based on good combination of neem oil,aza,pine and other remarkable active ingredinets designed by Dr`s group.

-pro use -promote organic farming main active ingredient: -neem,aza,pine,tall and other extremely safe ingredient

How to use: -Dilute with water at 1000 times -spray once a ten days -possible to use with any other chemical base product as a promoter -1000m2(spray total of 1000L a month based on 1000times dilution) -ajust dilution times (When the damage is serious, you can apply 500 times dilution)


